Lodging Operators Emergency Checklist

Operators of lodging facilities here in Gallatin County play a critical role in our tourist communities during an emergency.  Emergency officials often face the challenge of getting the factual information to those who need it in the community, especially to our visitors.  Residents who live in Gallatin County are encouraged to register in the Community Notification System to receive emergency notifications.  However our visitors to the area are much more challenging to communicate with.  As a lodging operator you can help provide a critical link between emergency officials and your guests through the following activities:

Emergency Information

During an emergency it is critical that only official information is disseminated to avoid confusion.  Accurate official information can be obtained from government agencies such as your local law enforcement and fire agencies, as well as Gallatin County Emergency Management.  Information from these agencies is available directly from them and is often distributed to other government websites and organizations such as chambers of commerce.  No matter what, verify the information is from an official government source before sharing it.  You can find contact information for many local agencies on our Links Page as well as receive information directly from our Gallatin County Emergency Management Information Sources.



In situations where an incident is occurring that may cause the displacement of people in the near future, a Warning will be issued.  Warnings mean that people may be asked to evacuate at some point and people in the affected area should make sure they are prepared to leave.  In the case of tourists, they should develop a plan on how they can alter their trip itinerary.
Lodging Operator Actions During a Warning


  • Post information for guests on current incident information and where they can obtain more details.
  • Ensure your guests understand they may get evacuated.
    • Guests staying multiple nights may want to pack each day and take their luggage with them on their day trips in case they cannot return to your facility.
  • Suggest your guests do some thinking about contingencies on alternate plans for the remainder of their trip.
  • Gather contact information for your multi-night guests so they can be reached if an evacuation occurs.
  • Consider translating the incident information to accommodate any foreign speaking guests.
  • Forward incident information to you partner companies such as tour operators, guides, etc…


If the incident becomes a danger to people, an Evacuation will be issued.  This means it is time to leave for everyone’s safety (public and responders).  Your help in ensuring your guests receive accurate direction during an Evacuation is critical.

Lodging Operator Actions During an Evacuation

  • Post the Evacuation notice so guests can see it and the supplemental instructions.  Especially the location of any emergency shelters and evacuation routes.
  • Contact each room in your establishment to ensure everyone is aware, they understand what is happening and are leaving.
  • Contact the following guests to advise of the Evacuation:
    • Multi-night guests who you gathered contact information for.
    • Incoming guests that are due to check in, but haven’t arrived.
    • Partner companies such as tour operators, guides, etc…
  • Provide information on partner lodging facilities outside the affected area that may be capable of taking in people, if applicable.